Friday, May 9, 2014

RIP to Our Pet

Many moms are familiar with the sentence I heard from my five year old son the other day, "Mom, I found a pet." The surprise comes in what kind of pet.

During our Derby party, the kids are playing outside with some of our friends. Spencer comes in the house requesting a cup because he had found a new pet. He had picked up a roly poly outside and wanted a home for it.

Well, the next thing I know, my most tender-hearted child is running inside and his face is all red and splotchy from crying. "Spencer! What happened?!"

"My roly poly is dead!"


You know how living things need food and water? Well, Spencer knows that fact too and added it a little bit of water to the cup. Enough that the roly poly drowned.

So here we are, wrapping up our Derby party with about 10–12 people and he is terribly upset because he unintentionally drowned the first living thing he tried to care for on his own.

And naturally, because this is how it goes, as he hands me the cup so I can inspect it, I drop it on the floor and this poor bug tumbles across the kitchen floor.

Quickly I push the bug back into the cup before my already upset son realizes what just happened. What's the next logical step when your itty bitty pet dies?

Of course. A memorial service.

I ask Spencer where he wants to lay his roly poly to rest. "I think Daddy's grill is just the place!" So cremation, huh?

"Spencer, I don't think the grill is a good place to put your beloved roly poly in a plastic cup. It will burn and melt."

"No! I will remember and we will move it before Daddy grills next time!"

In the end, Mom's authority won out and we decided the roly poly would be better suite to the grass. Next to the porch where the grill is. :) with two sticks in the shape of a cross and a little roly poly in the grass.

Two days later, Spencer comes running to me. "Mom!! My roly poly is not dead anymore! He isn't where we left him!"

So, a lesson: a quarter inch roly poly lying in the grass is hard to find a few days later and then your son believes Jesus is not the only one who resurrected and walked away.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. What a lovely story! As a member of the sandwich generation that loves and cares for elders and youngins, the cycle of life and how we deal with it is an in important and learning moment.
