Friday, May 16, 2014

Baby update: 4 months

Four months! Holy cow! What a month it's been for Ben. He is SO much fun. I do not remember having fun at this point yet with the twins. :) I feel like I have a little buddy! He is a lot of work and makes the routine with the older 4 off a bit (just keeping it real so you don't think I'm saying it is easy) but man, I sure do love and like this kid.
He has had a BIG month. He's learned a lot, changed a lot, grown a lot.
Ben, at 4 months, you:
-weigh 15 lbs, 3 oz and are 24.5 inches long (almost 3.5 lbs since your 2 month appointment and that's in the same month you had surgery!) about 50th percentile for both height and weight
-slept through the night once (two nights ago) so I am hoping we are turning a corner!!
-laugh and smile freely
-like your ribs tickled
-enjoy patty cake
-now think bath time is fun!
-don't sleep as long in the car seat (booooooooo)
-have done SO MUCH BETTER with your 45 minute naps. Oh my. But we cheated and you nap in your rock and play in our closet where it is pitch dark. But whatever. You are napping.
-had your lip and gum repair! You also got ear tubes and the surgeon started working on that bottom lip. There is a lot of work to go but you are strong and amazing! We spent one night in the hospital and recovery was about 10 days after that before I felt like we turned a corner back to pre-surgery Ben. But obviously since you have gained weight in the three weeks since surgery, mouth surgery can not hold you down!
-have the most squishiest cheeks on the planet.
-rolled belly to back for the first time on 5/14. You aren't far from back to belly.
-for whatever reason, you can't hold your pacifier in as well as pre-lip repair. I don't know if your muscles are still weak or what. So you chew on other things to soothe. You like your little Mickey lovey ear. I'm trying to encourage your hands but you aren't agreeing yet.
-whenever you start to seem dissatisfied with formula alone, your doctor said you could start cereal. We are not in a hurry but know it's coming!
-do not like loud, startling noises. But you can handle noise/chaos. Such is life.

The morning of surgery : last pic with a cleft lip!

Our sweet boy with his new mouth after surgery

Wearing his no-nos! (To keep his hands out of his mouth)

Hanging with Ella at her soccer game

Starting to enjoy bath time

These two. Oh my.

Kate even sometime shares her beloved Bunny with Ben.

Trying out the next hold in the Ergo! (Not a newborn anymore. Sniff.)

Talking to the man in the mirror...

Oh Mickey!

Mama is a bit picture happy because he is so dang sweet! And I'm proud of him.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Hahahaha I laughed so hard at you putting Ben to nap in the closet! That's only something that someone with several kids thinks to do!

    My mom asked about you today. She always asks, "Do you still talk to that red headed girl from Jonathan Creek that Fallon said was so pretty?" Haha. I said, "Yeah, we keep in touch online. She has 5 kids now." Mom just bugged her eyes out in surprise. Hahahaha. Love you!

    1. That's hilarious! How sweet of your mom to even remember you realize how long ago that's kinds depressing.
      But yes, the more kids I have, I just do what I gotta do (within limits). Those 45 minute naps were for the birds! I could not get anything done or play ever!!
