Thursday, May 15, 2014

End of an Era

Last night we officially changed over the kids' bedrooms. Kate and Spencer have shared a bedroom (and sometimes a bed) since day 1, save for a handful of times when we are out of town or one of them is somewhere else. 

It's just how it's been. 

But it was time to change things up. It was time to move the girls (ages 7 and 5) together and the boys (ages 5 and 3) together. It was time for Ella to be with a girl instead of her youngest brother. No one has ever complained about room assignments; all they basically do is sleep in there. The rest of the time they are bouncing between rooms and the playroom anyway. We wanted it to be a big deal: to decorate and paint and do bunk beds. But alas, being a grown up with real grown up expenses stinks and those extras will just have to wait. 

Of course, Mommy was the saddest of all. I don't know. It seems like the first step in losing that special twinbond. I know it's best but I'm still sad because I am a giant sap, okay?

So because I am a sap and I want to torture myself, here is a little tribute to Kate and Spencer sharing a room over the last 5.5 years. 
Getting their room ready. (About 25 weeks pregnant here) (so if you count pregnancy it's been 6 years! I'm a dork.)
Their first room ready for them

2 weeks before they were born. See they even shared a womb. Can't get much more "sharing a room from Day 1" than that!! (Sharing a 'womb' from day 1! Hahahahahaha! Get it?)

Only a mere few weeks old. Oh, my ovaries are hurting and I even have a tiny baby at home right now. 

When they got promoted to big kid beds. 

A little light reading in their big kid beds. (2 years old)

The night before their third birthday. 

They really got on a kick around age 3 about sleeping together. 

I am going to go sit in a corner and cry now. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jenny...crying right there with you! Today is the girls' last day of preschool. I've been a mess all day!

    I'm no help...but sending you hugs! :) :)
