Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Good Job, Mama

Good job, Mama.

You got up today.

You fed your kids. (I do not care if it was pop tarts and cheez-its or organic carrots and blueberry spinach smoothies.)

You showed up.

Good job.

You weren't perfect, but you pressed on.

Remember, your imperfection is not going to scar your children. IN FACT, it is what God will use to draw them to Himself.  He is the perfect one.  If you were perfect, you could be their savior - and then what would be their need for Jesus?

Good job, mama.

You got out of bed.  You read another book even when your head hurt.

You disciplined that kid even though you didn't want to.

You went to work even though you didn't want to.

You left a crying toddler at the babysitter's because you had to.

You washed (some of) the dishes that had been there a few days.

You were touched and talked to from 6 am to 9 pm.

Good job, mama.

You bucked car seats ninety seven times.

You replaced that band-aid three times.

You listened to the Frozen soundtrack seven times.

You are doing good.

You apologized when you messed up.

You made your children apologize when they messed up.

You gave yourself a timeout before you did something that would need an apology later.

That's pretty stinkin' awesome.

You did your best.  That's good enough. In fact, it's incredible.

You were made for just your life.  It's obvious.

You died to yourself today. You laid down what you wanted in exchange to serve someone other than you.  That is not natural - that is Jesus working in you.

That's kinda great.

You are fighting the good fight. You are doing a good work.

Keep it up.

Good job, Mama.

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