Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Need. Sleep.

Oh, my sweet, little, precious baby Ben.

I love you. You are strong and brave for going through your lip repair surgery.

But can you give your mama and daddy some rest? Please?

You are cute. But could you save your cuteness until morning? I will enjoy so much more during daylight hours.

Speaking of daylight, let's try napping longer than 45 minutes, okay? Just try it. I think you will find it quite enjoyable and it will make you feel so much better in general if you will do a little more of that sleeping thing.

AND not only will you feel better, but your parents will be better parents! Which means your brothers and sisters will reap the benefits as well!

See how much good you could do!

So little, yet you HOLD SO MUCH POWER.

On a more serious note, (Wait...I am so serious. I do wish Ben would sleep a little bit more day and night because I am dog tired) we are 8 days post op from lip repair. I remember recovery being hard with Spencer but I don't really remember specifically the worst part. Eating? Not knowing if he was in pain and how to treat? How messed up sleep was?

But yep. Recovery is still hard. He is weaning from his prescription pain meds but sleeping is going down the tube. Like every day it is getting a little worse where he only wants to sleep being held. I have heard this is common- clinginess post surgery even for the itty bitty ones.

Seriously, though, can you pray for some rest? I do not function well on night after night of little sleep. And there is no time for rest during the day...especially when he is only sleeping 45 minutes. And the crying...goodness. Something about him crying physically stresses me out. And then four other little voices are trying to ask me a question or get me to do something and my brain feels like it is leaking out of my ears.

I know this will only last a few weeks. But sometimes i am not sure I will make it a few weeks of little sleep and lots of crying. A little over dramatic? Yes. But I am tired. I am not responsible for the exaggerations I utter.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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