Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baby update: two months

Ben, at two months you:
-wear 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers
- weigh 11 lbs, 13 oz and are 23.25 inches long
- still have that precious red tint to your hair
- tolerate your car seat one million times better than you did when I did this update a month ago
- smile and coo and your brothers and sisters love to do your dialogue for you
- still wake once a night to eat (you tricked us by sleeping all night 3 nights in a row a few weeks ago and then you got sick and it went downhill from there)
- battled a cold (that lasted seriously 4 weeks), stomach bug, and double ear infection all at the same time
- scheduled your first surgery for 3 months old
-got put on two different reflux medicines before finding one that works...and praise the good Lord you aren't screaming and refusing feeding anymore. Boy was that stressful.
-have to be double swaddled because you kick out of one swaddle and won't sleep.
- are my new song.

With Mickey at one month and two months

Gosh, I love you.

That smile slays me.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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