Monday, January 13, 2014

Last week in iPhone photos

Just a little recap...

It was hair day. Girl's hair is growing! (This is blown out before braids)

We let the kids stay up and watch part of the national championship football game. It was too bad for the outcome but we loved cheering on Auburn and eating popcorn!

Spencer got his second set of tubes in this week and was anxious about the anesthesia. They gave him some meds to calm his nerves and it made him a loopy hilarious mess. 

Working on the splits. Kate requested i do it too but at 38 weeks pregnant (okay, anytime) it just ain't happening. 

I was missing some of our friends in KY last week. I really wanted a haircut but I only wanted Bethany. I just wanted to be with her. So her and her husband and her two adorable kiddos made a surprise trip down this weekend. Talk about good for my soul! Manicure, pedicure, haircuts for me and Kate both (Kate begged), eating around the table, Starbucks, loving on her kiddos, watching our kids play together,  the daddies got a man date to the movies, ice cream, good heart is full. 

We let the kids spend their Christmas gift cards to pick something before baby makes his arrival later this week. It was hilarious taking them to Walmart. They never go. They were amazed that a store could have toys, groceries, clothes, and a canoe hanging from the ceiling. Yes, it is pretty wild. Haha!

Kate and spencer working on her new Lego kit she picked out. And she's wearing an Elsa dress from the movie Frozen. 

Our week also included a "cold day" off school (what is that?!?), an ultrasound to check on baby's size, a celebratory lunch with my atlanta friends, our heat going out and being fixed at 9 pm.

At the end of this week we welcome baby #5! 

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