Saturday, February 22, 2014

Baby Update: One Month Old

Ben, at one month you: 
Weigh 10 lbs, 6 oz and are 22 inches long
Wear mostly 3 month clothes
Wake up once at night to eat and every 3 hours during the day
Like to be swaddled, awake or asleep
Have a slight red hint to your hair
Caught your first cold and sound like you've been smoking for 50 years. It's pitiful. 
Are not a huge fan of your car seat but this is slowly getting better 
Are incredibly loved and subsequently practically smothered by your brothers and sisters
Like to be held and worn
Get bored/tired pretty easily 
Have tried to smile but not quite there yet
Work very hard to hold your head up

I'm one month old!

Working hard

Your fan club is never far away

Spencer just talks and talks to you

In the moby

Watching tv with Josiah 

(The shortage of Ella and Ben pics stem from the fact that she is at school all day and once she is home and there is homework, dinner, bath, clean up, and bed I do.not.stop even to take a picture! All Ben pics happen mainly during the day when there is a little more wiggle room.)

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