Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Time Someone Told Me I Sounded African

For the record, I am not African.  The grand total of time I have spent in Africa is 9 days, and that was to pick up our son and daughter.  I have red auburn hair and freckles.

Today I took the kids to a park and splashpad here in town.  They immediately ran to these super awesome swings where multiple kids can sit on one, so Ella (the oldest) was pushing the other three.  A lady walked up to me and I could smell it on her that she was itching to ask questions.  (You just start to know when someone wants to ask something.)  So I made eye contact with her and smiled to let her know, "Hey, it's okay, I won't bite," and she read my signals correctly.

"Where are you from?"

I was confused.  I'm used to more of the "where are THEY from," "are you a foster parent," "are they all yours," variety. "Me? Or my children?" I said.

"Yes, you."

"Um, well originally I am from Kentucky."

She looked confused.  Which was right in line with what I felt.

"Well, what about them?" She pointed in the general direction of the kids.

"Well, two of my children were born in the Congo."

"OH." She said.  "And have you spent a lot of time there?"

" Africa? I mean, I spent about nine days there."

"Oh, ok.  You just sound like you have spent considerable time in Africa." She just kept going, and I just kept being confused. "Your children, do they still have accents?"

"Yes, a little, I suppose. I don't really notice too much."

"Maybe they've rubbed off on you.  You sound like you are from Congo."

OKAY. I have heard a lot of weird things in my day, but that one was a first.

She did go one to say how beautiful my family was, which I thanked her for because many don't say that, and she replied with "people are people," and then moved on about her day.

Let me know if my accent gets too thick and you need translation.  I'm also a professional translator.

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